By: Emmett Lynch
Over the past decade, collegiate athletics has grown to become a worldwide phenomenon. As generations pass, the pursuit to the professional league is ruthless and may even be inequitable. The college sports system is orchestrated by the National Collegiate Athletic Association. The NCAA defines themselves as a ‘non-profit organization’, their job is to regulate athletes of 1,281 institutions, conferences, and most importantly, individuals. This system sets rules and boundaries of everything them, as a company can gain, and everything the players cannot gain. There have been many accusations that suggest the NCAA and the college sports system takes advantage of players in many ways.
This topic is inevitably relevant and will continue be for decades to come. The U.S .culture of Collegiate Sports will always be timely and eye catching, especially since we are now living in the Digital & Social Media age. The relevance of corruption in NCAA Sports will forever be fresh because it is a cycle where new kids by the thousand are sorted out and bought by the NCAA annually. The NCAA gives the coach or owners enough money to go buy whatever player they choose and they choose them by height, weight, speed, and strength. All of the things that are beneficial to them and their brand of men and women. The player is often bought out with none other than a full ride scholarship that guarantees them carefree college & freedom from their parents.