Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Versatile Directing of Versailles

By: Emmett Lynch Is it possible from a small Vietnamese point-of-view film to relate to Americans on all levels of morality? If you’re wondering the answer to this question, it results with a heartwarming smile and two thumbs up. A Village Called Versailles indulges into the tragedies and aftermath of hurricane katrina, but from a much more overlooked standpoint. There are many different ways that this type of documentary can be made, and I feel that S. Leo Chang created a great body of work. The tragedy of Hurricane Katrina left hundreds and thousands of Americans left with nothing. For many, this is the first time some families have experienced a such tragedy where you lost everything and had to move on. That is not the case for the citizens of Versailles.

Finkenauer, Blum Debate in Cedar Falls

By: Emmett Lynch

Lead: Democrat Abby Finkenauer and Republican Rod Blum face off in debate on health care, trade agreements, immigration, and major bill laws.

On October 5th, U.S Republican Rod Blum and his Democratic challenger, state Democrat Abby Finkenauer went face to face in Cedar Falls at the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. Around 7pm the theatre filled with liberals and conservatives all ready to watch this these two candidates for the Iowa 1st District House Seat. This is the first debate of two to be held this October of 2018.

When in Reality

By Austin Zinnel             Anxiety, depression, getting turned down by that cute girl in your geometry class, everyone...