Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Finkenauer, Blum Debate in Cedar Falls

By: Emmett Lynch

Lead: Democrat Abby Finkenauer and Republican Rod Blum face off in debate on health care, trade agreements, immigration, and major bill laws.

On October 5th, U.S Republican Rod Blum and his Democratic challenger, state Democrat Abby Finkenauer went face to face in Cedar Falls at the Gallagher Bluedorn Performing Arts Center. Around 7pm the theatre filled with liberals and conservatives all ready to watch this these two candidates for the Iowa 1st District House Seat. This is the first debate of two to be held this October of 2018.

Blum is the Incumbent republican representative, seeking his third term in house. While Finkenauer is entering her first campaign for federal office after winning her Democratic primary with 67% of the vote. Moderating the verbal exhibition were local KWWL anchors Ron Steele and Abby Turpin. The two candidates were center stage as the voters of the first district got their first opportunity to see the candidates face of one-on-one. Each candidate was granted 60 seconds to answer a direct question, followed by a 30 second response by their opponent, and ending with a 30 second rebuttal.

Once everyone got seated, the moderators read out the rules to the candidates as well as the audience. The debate kicked off with opening statements, and Finkenauer was was ready to open. She began by addressing her roots in being an Iowa Native and being the daughter of hardworking Iowa parents. “From the small town of Dubuque, Iowa I look to protect our state from what Washington is doing”, Finkenauer expresses. The crowd of liberal Iowa Natives made their presence known with a round of applause following her addressing her hometown.

In Congressman Blum’s opening statements, highlighted the love he and his party have from the United States and is eager to remain in office to continue his work in Washington D.C. Asserting that he is fighting for the people to keep the American Dream alive. “I’ve lived the American Dream , I want to make sure the American dream is available for my children and their grandchildren.”

After each candidate recited their opening statements, it was time for the first topic of debate. Moderator Abby Turpin brought the first issue to light on the recent U.S trade agreements. The two were given the green light to discuss the new trade deal made between the United States, Mexico and Canada. Being in Iowa, the topic leaned more towards how this deal would affect the farming in Iowa. Finkenaur jumped on the question, revealing that here siblings are farmers, directly relating to the agricultural community of Iowa. She then expresses her disagreements with the Trump administration’s trade agreements. “This is  the administration that decides to start a trade war on Twitter,” Finkenauer said repeatedly throughout her response. Also highlighting that through this trade, Soybean crops in Iowa will have taken a loss of $2.2 billion. “It is a tough time for farmers in this country and we know why,” Finkenauer hinted at the Republican party’s decision’s in office.
Blum responded to Finkenauer’s comments with not backlash, but hope. Blum noted that he understands the challenges that Iowa faces, and that it is indeed a tough time for farmers. “We are willing to hand in there for the short term for the long term prosperity,” Blum confidently stated, Congressman’s rationale comes President Trump’s plan to resolve the farm bill, and he plans to enforce his agenda. Blum then goes on to state that Iowans should not rely on farming to fully finance living in the state. “There are more job openings  than there are people looking for jobs in the state of Iowa,” Blum uttered. This did not land well with the crowd. Although there were no loud boos for Blum’s statements like his last event. I looked over at members of the crowd facial expressions, and they had to look of disgust and toleration toward the congressman and his comments.

Tax Cuts was next on the discussion board. Blum opened on the subject giving praise to President Trump’s recent statement on tax cuts. This statement was “If you want to grow government, give tax cuts.” Although that may have sounded good, Finkenauer broke down the statistics of what this tax cut would result in regards to to majority population. Finkenauer informed that these tax cuts will add $1.9 trillion to the national deficit and that majority cuts would be going to the top 1% of Americans. The buzzer sounds off at the end of Abby’s rebuttal ad it was time for the next topic of discussion.

Gun Control is one of the hottest discussion topics Americans face to the date. Ron Steele opens up the discussion and giving the initial response to Finkenauer. Finkenauer states no issue with the gun control laws, but offering a bit more security and thorough background checks. “I respect and defend the second amendment, 96% of gun owners believe in universal background checks. We need to get serious about this,” said Finkenauer. Blum continued protection of the second amendment. Stating, “I don’t believe in taking guns away from law abiding citizens is the answer.” Blum and his party are firm believers in the gun laws. Blum even stated that he would go as far as providing guns to schools to help the protection of the kids and faculty of schools in the 20 counties he represents. Claiming that it would only take $400,000 to supply the schools in his counties with mercenaries.

Before closing statements, the sexual harassment allegations against US Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh came up to discussion. Brett Kavanaugh was appointed to be the next member of the Supreme Court, but was the accused of sexual harassment by California professor, Christine Blasey Ford. This news shook the white house and the senate and called for an FBI Investigation into Kavanaugh’s alleged actions. Blum stated that Kavanaugh is a fine candidate for the job and did not commit those wrongdoings. “I feel sorry for this man and I hope he and his family can move passed this. I believe that a man is innocent until proven guilty and that is the law,” Blum asserted while receiving a round of applause for his condolences and advocacy for the conservative party.

Post debate I interviewed married Iowa natives, Dave and Susanne Melfort. Susanne was very excited by the debat atmosphere and was happy to be in attendance. “This was my first debate and I was most entertained by their reactions in the audience, it got intense, said Susanne. When I asked more about how they felt about the actual debating, Dave jumped in and said how otp candidates are questionable. He didn’t side with either one,but pointing out holes in their presentations. He boldly labeled Blum’s wall statements as ‘dumb’, while critiquing the demeanor and strategy in Finkenauer’s statements. “He was more polished, and she didn’t seem too sure about her policies It really irritates me when they repeat the same things over and over and we as he people see no resolution”, said Iowa native Dave Melfort. It’s safe to say that there were many attendees of the debate were left in the undecided seat after tonight.

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